Råttor, råttor, råttor...
Då jag varit en sucker för RATT sedan "Out of the cellar" kom ut, har jag länge väntat på att detta dysfunktionella band ska ge ut det här.
Stephen Pearcy: "I want to present the first live DVD history compilation from the band Ratt. I have so many formats of video from day one, Europe, Japan, shows with Ozzy. Forget the stuff on YouTube. I have the shit with real cameras that never saw the light of day. I told the guys I have this stuff and will be putting it out. Of course we’ll work on it together but we’ll be releasing a live compilation from the history of Ratt. It will have everybody’s blessing. Even Juan’s. He used to film all the time back in the day. Maybe he has something. We’ll make sure it doesn’t interfere with the new record. People have been asking for something like this. Timing is everything."
Hela intervjun HÄR
2 kommentarer:
Lär väl i vanlig ordning, när det gäller Ratt, inte bli något med det där heller.
Men om vi får drömma och tro att detta verkligen får se dagens ljus...ja, då vore det kanon!!!
Visst vore det? Låter ju onekligen ganska intressant.
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