Steve Seabury
"Mosh potatoes" 2010

Steve Seabury har lyckats samla ihop 147 recept från diverse rockers världen över och lilla Svedala finns representerat av Lars Chriss (Lion´s Share) och hans mammas recept på något som kallas Lion´s Share Pork. En maträtt som förutom kött innehåller ärtor, grädde och smält ost.
Det här är en ganska kul receptbok med allehanda maträtter för allehanda smaker.
Max Cavalera bjuder på citronkyckling, Zakk Wylde på italienska köttbullar, John Petrucci på köttfärslimpa, självaste Lemmy på en "Krakatoa surprise" och Scott Rockenfield på tonfisk.
Recepten är lätta att följa och en del innehåller små roliga kommentarer eller historier, vilket gör boken mer än bara en vanlig kokbok. Många pratar om nedärvda familjerecept, exfruars köksäventyr eller hur man helt enkelt experimenterat på turnébussen.
Boken innehåller också flera uppslag med bilder på de olika rock and roll-kockarna. Den enda nackdelen med recepten är att det ibland handlar om amerikanska ingredienser så som diverse chilli, BBQsåser och annat, samt att de flesta måtten är engelska. Dock är det väl bara till att experimentera hemma vid spisen och se vad man kan få fram.
Själv är jag just nu lite smått sugen på Scott Ians "Spicy shrimp and sweet cherry tomatoes".
Nedan hittar ni en liten Q&A jag gjorde med författaren.
First off, who´s Steve Seabury?
Steve: I guess I am just a dude who loves METAL, Food, Beer, Monster Truck Racing and the NY Mets. I am just laid back kinda guy.
When did you come up with the idea for the book?
Steve: Back in 2005 one night around 3 a.m. after a good night of drinking with some friends. Just as most people coming home drunk at that time, I had the munchies and White Castle was too far of a walk. The cupboards were bare, I had some Taco Bell Fire Sauce from the night before, a couple of eggs and some other stuff hiding in the back of the fridge that I probably wouldn’t feed my dog. I said to myself “What would Lemmy do in this situation?” The next day the idea of Mosh Potatoes was created.
How did you set about contacting all these rockers?
Steve: I am a music freak. I have over 5000 CD's in my collection. I just went through my collection and wrote down who I thought would be cool. Once the word got out about what I was doing I was getting bands to contacting me about being part of it. Everyone was super stoked to be part of the book and the charity involved with the book.
How long did it take to put together the book?
Steve: I started the book back in 2005 when I was working at Artemis Records. It was just an idea. Over the years I must have gotten over 300 recipes. I start pitching the book to various publishing companies and everyone told me to piss off. I never gave up. Every rejection made me work even harder to get a deal done. About a year ago I finally got a call from Simon & Schuster. I couldnt believe. The people who work love metal and they instantly got it. My editor Sarah is one super bad ass. She rocks!!!
Was there anyone you contacted that didn´t want to parcipitate?
Steve: There wasnt really any bands that didnt want to do it. Vince Neil send me a recipe then they told me I couldnt use it. I dont know why but what ever. I am sure there was a good reason.
Have you tried all the recipes yourself?
Steve: I have made maybe 90% of the recipes. Once I got the recipe I would fire it up that night or that weekend. It was a lot of fun. I would invite friends over, drink some beer and crank up the stereo. The one recipe that I am super scared to try was the Lemmy recipe. Its insane. Actually its super insane.
I am actually having a contest at for people to make a video of them cooking that recipe up. The videos I have seen so far are pretty funny. If you want to win a bunch of kick ass stuff goto this link and enter. I triple dog dare you.
Introduce your band?
Steve: I play in what I guess people are calling a Doom band called Moth Eater. I love it. Its just slow heavy shit. Some people are saying kinda in the vibe of Eyehategod and Acid Bath. You can check out the music at
How long have you been around?
Steve: The band is fairly new. Almost 2 years now. We had to take off about 6 months because I need time off because my wife just had our first baby. Its so awesome to have a child and to play bass guitar in Moth Eater. It´s so perfect.
Who came up with the name? Any story behind it?
Steve: We were joking around one night at rehearsal trying to come up with some names. With the Mosh Potatoes coming out we were talking about different recipes and what would be really gross shit to eat. Some how eating Moths came up and Moth Eater was born. We just thought it was a cool name.
Have you guys had any Spinal Tap moments?
Steve: None yet but I am hoping one day that we will open up for a puppet show. That would be so METAL!!! LOL.
What´s next for Moth Eater?
Steve: We are writing a new record that will be released on Giddy Up! Records this summer. We are doing some shows this spring and then will be going out on The Metalliance Tour this March/April. I so cant wait.
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