fredag 15 juli 2011

Ännu en konspirationsteoretiker!

Senaste numret av Classic Rock bjuder på en hel del riktigt läsvärda artiklar. Bl a om G´N R "Use your illusion", Judas Priests "Stained class", Black Country Communion och två artiklar om grunge.
I de senare säger bl a Dana Strum (Slaughter, Vinnie Vincent, Vince Neil) följande om grungens tillkomst:

"Music has always been cyclical, but what caught me off guard was the way the flock of sheep swung so quickly against bands like mine. It was almost religious programming. I still don´t know how much of the grunge era was a natural development or was planned by a team of radio consultants."

En liten teori som passar in med Kennedymordet, 9-11 och månlandningen.
