Saxat från The Hollywood Reporter:
Publishing house Scribner, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, has acquired worldwide and audio rights to the life story of Kiss drummer Peter Criss. The book Makeup to Breakup is scheduled for release in fall 2012 .
According to an announcement, Criss will collaborate with Larry "Ratso" Sloman on the book, which tells the story of "a Brooklyn kid who conquered the world, composing and singing the band's biggest hit 'Beth,' and faced the perils of excess and his own mortality, including his battle with breast cancer." Sloman has also co-authored books with Howard Stern (Private Parts, Miss America) and Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis (Scar Tissue).
"I am so blessed that I am finally going to write my autobiography, and I hope you enjoy the ride," said Criss. "The best of all is I get to share my true feelings of my love for God, family, friends and fame. It's been a wonderful life."
Den här boken har ju varit på gång sedan jag vet inte när. Kan kanske bli intressant läsning med tanke på att Sloman lyckats bra med Stern och Kiedis tidigare.
Ace Frehley påstås ju också jobba på sin självbiografi, så då är det bara herr Stanley kvar av originalmedlemmarna.