Den ständigt aktive och oerhört produktive Martin Popoff har ännu en ny bok ute. Jag har inte läst den här själv eller någon av de andra tre böckerna i samma serie, men däremot en del av hans andra verk och kan garantera att denna serie böcker säkerligen är välskriven och läsvärd.
Info om boken från Popoff:
The Collector’s Guide To Heavy Metal: Volume 4: The ‘00s
"Copies of new monster tome ready to ship! This is the fourth in the series of my reviews books, only this time I’ve written 1,748 reviews and buddy and BW&BK scribe extraordinaire David Perri has written 1,619, for a total of 3,367 reviews covering albums from the last decade.
The book is 580,000 words and 572 pages of metal madness covering the continuing catalogues of all your ‘70s and ‘80s favourites (these are mostly by me, the old guy) and all manner of newer metal stuff (this is mostly David… dude goes to 100 concerts a year and is a metal wiz and wicked smart writer). Lotsa crossover, but yeah, I wasn’t going to be able to do this alone, and David’s vast knowledge of metal’s last 15 or so years makes this such that we’ve covered most of the major artists and albums in this anvil of a heavy tome – a crazy undertaking. Also included is an exclusive promo 14 track Metal Blade Records sampler."
Info från förlaget:
“The Collector’s Guide To Heavy Metal: Volume 4: The ‘00s is the hotly anticipated new addition to a celebrated franchise of album review books from Martin Popoff, heavy metal’s most famous journalist. Martin’s previous volumes tore into and reconstructed the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s, with each book being a hot seller for CGP, causing endless debates into the night for metalheads worldwide. But there’s a twist this time: the book is a co-write between Popoff (author of 30 books on the genre), and David Perri, prolific star-in-the-making journalist for Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles, 14 years in print, now gone digital (Popoff was Perri’s Editor In Chief). Making full use of their respective areas of expertise, Popoff and Perri attack the albums each knows best, collectively amassing approximately 3400 headbanging, no punches-pulled rants, with band’s catalogues represented alphabetically then chronologically, the writer of each review identified, and a grade out of ten confidently offered. A closing appendix records each writer’s Top 100 heavy metal albums of the decade, sure to provide ammunition for a continued war of words about this controversial series. The battle rages on!”
Martin Popoff här