Jag nämnde för någon dag sedan att det bara är Paul Stanley kvar av KISS-medlemmarna att plita ner sitt liv i bokform.
Idag hittade jag denna copyrightregistrering på KISS FAQ och kanske är boken på gång nu. Dock är det troligtvis bara någon som försöker skriva ihop en biografi och hoppas på herr Stanleys medverkan.
"Type of Work: Preregistration
Type of Work Preregistered: Literary Work in Book Form
Preregistration Number / Date: PRE000004216 / 2011-01-25
Application Title: Star - An Autobiography
Title: Star - An Autobiography
Copyright Claimant: Guilherme Maradei. Address: 403 Digaetano Terrace, West Orange, NJ.
Creation of Work Began: 2009-12-28
Date of Anticipated Completion: 2011-12 (Approximate)
Projected Date of Publication: 2012- (Approximate)
Authorship on Application: Guilherme Maradei.
Description of Work: The book is the autobiography of Paul Stanley, lead singer and guitarist of the band KISS. It will be used to propose the author’s support to Paul Stanley in writing his autobiography. The draft was developed using Mr. Stanley’s own words, compiled and edited from previously published interviews, books and videos. In its present state, the draft includes seven sections: Foreword and the first six chapters, as follows: Chapter 1: Early Years in Manhattan (1952-1958), Chapter 2: Growing Up in Queens (1958-1966), Chapter 3: "License to Be Crazy" in High School (1966-1970), Chapter 4: "One of These Days, It Will Be Me" (1971-1974), Chapter 5: "Hold On Tight, the Roller Coaster Has Begun" (1975-1978) and Chapter 6: Excess, Delusion and Crisis (1978-1982). The remaining chapters are in the process of being finalized, and will be completed once the author agrees with Mr. Stanley on the terms of this work. Note: The draft will be shared in its entirety (127 pages including cover and introductory pages) with Paul Stanley, who will decide whether or not to start this project with the support of Guilherme Maradei (the author). Should Mr. Stanley decide to proceed with this project without Mr. Maradei’s support, Mr. Stanley is not expected to use the content of the work developed by Mr. Maradei unless both parties agree."