söndag 23 februari 2014

KISS är numera en såpopera. 

Förvisso är det konstaterandet inte särskilt nytt, men med allt trams kring Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, passar det bättre än aldrig förr.
Ace Frehley och Peter Criss är två rejäla "has beens" hur mycket man än älskar originalsättningen. De har nu båda uttalat sig om galan och att det inte kommer bli en åteförening i smink på scen. Personligen förstod jag aldrig vitsen med det. 
Tommy Thayer och Eric Singer är de nuvarande melemmarna oavsett vad man tycker om det. De har tillsammans med herrarna Stanley och Simmons lyckats blåsa rejält liv i det gamla bandet och är utan tvekan betydligt mer kompetenta musiker och medarbatre än herrarna Frehley och Criss.
De senaste två albumen "Sonic boom" och "Monster" har visat ett band vars sound helt plötsligt låtit vitalare än på många, många år. Jag kan inte påstå att jag lyssnat alltför mycket på dessa album sedan de kom ut, men minns dem som bra. Skulle Frehley och Criss klarat av att prestera något liknande som Thayer och Singer? Ytterst tveksamt.
De hade varit kul om de alla gick upp på scen, bockade, bugade och tog emot applåderna med glada miner. Vad som nu kommer att hända är svårt att sia om och själv bryr jag mig nog inte så mycket längre. Alan G Parker, som just nu jobbar på dokumentärfilmen om KISS, uttalade sig på följande sätt idag:

"If, just say for instance, four mates had formed a plumbing business in the early Seventies, in the space of the next ten years two of the guys had done everything they could to make that business something special... While the other two had taken every drug and drank every bottle in front of them... Becoming incredibly unreliable for work and in some cases needing to be replaced on the job because they just weren't up to it... So in the end you fire them and replace them with guys who can and will do the job... Fast forward to another year, let's say 1995, following a meeting, a few talks and contracts as thick as your arm to state that all the previous problems will never happen again you re-hire the original two guys... Except in the next four/five years all the original problems happen again only this time around on a much bigger scale... It's obvious now that these guys need to go and go for good... They are finally replaced by two guys who never missed a days work, who helped re-build your business... And who care about it as much as you do... Now, fast forward fourteen years, somebody, somewhere is giving you an award, you are outstanding, the best plumbers on planet earth! Who do you think might deserve to go and pick it up?"

KISS själva krafsade också ihop ett litet pressmeddelande som svar på Frehley och Criss uttalanden om vad som ska ske eller inte ske när de blir invalda:

"ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME STATEMENT FROM KISS To All Our Fans In Regards To The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: 

Out of respect, Ace and Peter's recent statements demand a quick response to you, our fans. Our intention was to celebrate the entire history of KISS and give credit to all members including present long time present members Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer, and additionally Bruce Kulick and Eric Carr all who have made this band what it is, regardless of the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame's point of view. Although KISS has moved forward far longer without them, Ace and Peter are at the very foundation of what we have built and this would all be impossible had they not been a part of it in the beginning. It is over 13 years since the original lineup has played together in make-up and we believe the memory of those times would not be enhanced. Contrary to claims made through the media we have never refused to play with Ace and Peter. We have spent 40 years dedicated to building KISS without quitting or wavering as the band has moved forward with huge tours and platinum albums through different important lineups for forty years, to this day. KISS has always been a band unlike any other. That is why we started KISS. That is why we continue KISS. Being unlike other bands also means making choices and decisions unlike other bands. This is understandably an emotional situation where there is no way to please everyone. To bring this to a quick end, we have decided not to play in any line-up and we will focus our attention on celebrating our induction into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. We are excited and are looking forward to seeing you all on the KISS 40th Anniversary worldwide tour."


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