Supergruppens enda album ges åter ut på vinyl i England den 24:e januari.
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Saxat från Grungereport:
"Mad Season featured Alice In Chains lead singer Layne Staley, Pearl Jam guitarist Mike McCready, Screaming Trees drummer Barrett Martin, and bassist John Baker Saunders. The band was active from late 1994 to the spring of 1995, playing live shows in Seattle and releasing Above along with a video Live at the Moore. In 1997 McCready, Saunders, and Martin attempted to revive Mad Season, but Layne Staley declined to record a second album. Rumor has it that there were plans for a Mad Season double record with Staley singing on the first disc and Mark Lanegan singing on the second disc, and that there were instrumental demos recorded. After Staley declined to rejoin, Mark Lanegan was recruited as the new lead singer and the band changed their name to Disinformation. John Baker Saunders died in 1999 which dissolved the group. Layne Staley passed away in 2002."